Nächstes Projekt 11/20  

Juli / August 2023

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

You are Hired! - Arbeitsagentur Karlsruhe

reaction to a constantly changing future "world of work"

von Benjamin Heitz


Karlsruher Institut für Technologie






Raum und Entwerfen, Prof. Marc Frohn




Vectorworks, Rhino, Adobe CC

Our world is in constant change.
The development of our world and human beings is steadily increasing and accelerating every day. And with this development of us humans, and also the achievements and inventions of technologies, the “world of work” is also evolving at a similar pace. Over time, some professions will become obsolete due to technical or social developments, while others will adapt, transform, and entirely new professions will emerge. Countless historical examples illustrate this transformation of the “world of work”. The only variable that changes is the speed of this ever since ongoing process. I believe it will increase, and therefore, learning just one trade or profession will no longer suffice within a lifetime. In addition to constant further education and training, the issue of one's own profession becoming obsolete, leading to the search for a new one, will become a more common occurrence in this “future world of work”.
The focus and role of the Arbeitsamt must be redefined. It will become its core competence to map and present the diverse variety of new jobs that emerged "yesterday". Therefore, job seekers visiting the Arbeitsamt should be provided with numerous new ideas, perspectives, and opportunities for new occupations. Only when the available options are clear, one can make the right choice in transitioning to a new profession.
The main concept of the building is based on the idea of acting as a display and a kind of enforcement for the visitor to experience a maximum of different situations, occasions, and impressions just by walking through the building. The main structure consists of a multitude of intersecting linear bars, each consisting of a sequence of rooms. All rooms are accessed exclusively through other rooms and not through corridors. Thus, on the way to the library, for example, one passes through four other rooms, instead of one simple, dead corridor.
To amplify the idea of maximizing different occasions and impressions, each room is distinct with a specific use and design. Therefore, each room has been carefully analyzed and cataloged: What should take place in this room? How likely is a visitor to use this room? Is it okay for this space to be "disrupted" by others during its use? Or should this space be more "protected" or "private"? Based on all these factors, the position, size, wall thickness, ceiling type, and so forth of each room were determined. This creates the idea of the individual rooms as unique, special worlds within a given, clear, and simple structure.
In conclusion, the building concept offers visitors a variety of experiences and impressions. It represents the need to adapt in a constantly changing work environment and to be open to new opportunities. The individual rooms invite people to discover new things and expand their professional horizons.
Text von Benjamin Heitz.