Platz 19

November / Dezember 2017

Faculté d'Architecture de l'Université de Liège

Village Coworking Center

Requalification of a village historic center

von Julien Bovy


Faculté d'Architecture de l'Université de Liège






Norbert Nelles





The  historical  heart  of  Haillot  hosts  the  coworking  center  in  close  relation  with  the  church.  Fexibility, landscape integration, environmental impact, and architecture create a new vision of the company. The positioning of buildings reclaims spaces. The topographic reconfiguration, the template of the office building create a protected place. It is arranged in such a way as to leave free the organization of activities: market, festivities,  various  events.  The  cafeteria,  the  banqueting  hall,  the  offices,  the  workshops  give  a  special instead  a  cloister  look  and  filter  the  activities  of  the  offices,  protecting  them  from  the  public  space.  The rhythm of the concrete columns, the vegetated flat roofs form a coherent whole with the architecture of the church The workshops opposite the cemetery allow to free the views towards the place when entering the village. Because of their varying requirements, they are easily adjustable thanks to the use of removable wooden elements The architecture adapts to its close environment and its function.